What to Look for in a Trainer

One of the hardest things to conquer is the unknown; this is no different when it comes to personal training. In looking for the best trainer for you, it may not always be the one who has the most Instagram followers, the most certifications, or the one who has been a pro athlete. Often, the best trainers tend to be the neurotic fitness addicts who want to make the people around them become the best they can be.

With that in mind, here are 3 quick tips to look for in finding the right personal trainer:

1) Certification

The first thing to look for in a trainer is that they are nationally certified through a credited association. Some certifying organizations to look for are the CSCS, ACSM, NASM, and ACE, all of which are nationally recognized and require trainers to keep gathering continuing education units. Much like a driver’s license, a training certification will also expire. Every 2-to-4 years, trainers are supposed to get continuing education units toward keeping their certification valid. Most are good with keeping their standards high, but others never do continue to learn and get better. The fitness industry is a fast changing organism, and if your trainer does not stay up on current trends, it will pass them by. Make sure they have continued to learn, and find out if they are currently certified.

2) “Walking the Walk”

The second thing to look for in a trainer is that they practice what they preach. Most trainers “talk the talk,” but do they also “walk the walk”? What I mean by this is simple; if a trainer says that they do something, can they and do they actually do it themselves? Personally, I feel that if I cannot do an exercise, how can I expect a client to perform that exercise? A golden rule I follow is that safety is paramount; I do not teach something I myself cannot do, or that I do not feel comfortable doing for my client.

3) Goal setting and tracking

The third item to look for in a trainer is whether they keep track of your workouts and goals. I always try to set time to do measurements for a client, although it can be hard to get measurements and goals set when clients are late. I still keep track of the workouts, but I hate taking away from their sessions so that gets pushed back. That said, part of this responsibility falls on you as a client. Ultimately, though, if you have a trainer who doesn’t do these things, they should, or you should ask them to. You have to have a plan in order to succeed, and your trainer is an important part of that plan.

Now that you have these tips, it’s important that you don’t be fooled my flashy sales tactics or the illusion of grandeur. If a trainer withholds info on how to be successful, it may mean they may not be able to help you. The person who has the knowledge, takes you through a step-by-step plan and doesn’t have any fitness secrets is someone to look for, and one I would recommend training with.

© Copyright Whatismyhealth, January 29th, 2017