Let's Try Something Different
/At what age did we start to develop “hate” for ourselves— not like in this self-loathing thought style but more so, when did we start to “hate” the things we saw in the mirror?
When did we become so damn hard on ourselves?
via Giphy
When did we start making excuses about the way we look and giving sh*ts about what people thought about us?
As children, many of us never worried about what people thought about us. We didn’t care if we jiggled or shook. We had little awareness of the stretch marks or the cellulite on our legs.
At what age and/or event did all of that go away? Was it when we became aware of the people on TV, or the cosmetically altered people on the magazine while checking out at the grocery store? Maybe at some point, we stopped looking at the candy and paid more attention to the tabloids. Maybe we started getting Diet Coke instead of regular Coke, not cause it tasted good but cause we were worried about our weight.
Sure, its good to be healthy, but obsessing about being “skinny” is not necessarily focusing on being healthy. We often tend to give a sh*t about all the stuff that’s on the surface. Many of us think that changing the outside will somehow fulfill our insides.
Well, I’m trying something different.
I’m looking at the things that I like and telling myself that I love them. I’m taking the things that I’ve been using as a safety net and stripping them away. I’m trying to be more vulnerable with myself. I’m trying to expose the things I’m not comfortable with.
Sure, there are still gonna be things that we dislike when we look at them. And I’m not saying not to feel that way, 'cause we all need goals and things to work on. What I’m saying is, let’s try not to make that the only things we see.
As always,
Be well, be happy, be kind, be loved.
What are 3 things that you like about yourself?
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