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It’s that time of year again— colds, the flu, sinus infections. A chance to finally make this Bengali home remedy.
If you’re a teacher looking for a fun classroom activity, or you have kids at home, this is a quick, easy recipe to try for yourself!
Looking for some recipes for a date night in? Here are dumplings you can make into many different shapes!
If you're a fan of breakfast, this week’s savory recipe is for you.
Check out this week’s Shrimp Boil Foil Packet recipe!
Check out this week’s Lemon Herb Chicken and Green Beans Foil Packet recipe!
Did I just stumble onto something that will revolutionize the way I cook? I just might have.
Experience a little piece of my trip to Arizona through this side dish.
If you have an adventurous spirit in the kitchen, a CSA might be a good investment for you, too.
Not only is it vegetarian- and vegan-friendly, it makes a nice addition to whatever you’re serving!
I decided to bake some fresh home-cooked food treats for my cats— they’re part of the family, too!
Sometimes you get stuck in a rut in the kitchen and need to break out of your routine go-to meals.
I have always been a big fan of bagels. But is there a better version out there that’s been hiding?
Getting stuck in Ecuador for an extra day gave me the time to try this delicious breakfast treat.
Mix-and-match different grains, seeds, and nuts to mix it up and add some variety to your breakfast.
I’ve received a lot of questions about the Instant Pot, so I thought I’d review this amazing appliance.
By researching and planning, I managed to get my grocery bill to about $40 for 2 people.
Eating on a budget it is completely doable when you plan your meals and shop around.

A checklist of common documents related to deductions and credits that you will need when preparing to file your taxes for last year.
A checklist of common documents related to income that you will need when preparing to file your taxes for last year.
Discussing regular payments made through pensions and annuities, as well as social security benefits, as they relate to tax preparation.
Discussing investments and their yields, and how these returns factor into tax preparation.
Reviewing employee wages, salaries, taxes, and other forms of compensation, and how they are reported.
Claiming dependents on your tax return can earn you exemptions and save you money.
The Standard Deduction is subtracted from your income, which may lower the amount of taxes you owe.
Being prepared to do your taxes can save you time and money. An introduction to the 1040 tax form.
A final look at what is needed to open a checking account and the documents you’ll receive.
Reviewing what is needed to open a checking account, and some of the documents you’ll receive when you do.
Discussing important terminology and checking account rules the bank follows.
Addressing digital banking basics— online banking, the Automated Clearing House System, and debit cards.
Covering additional account activities including normal and unusual funds availability, as well as non-U.S. items.
Outlining the most significant types of transactions completed using checking accounts.
For many people, putting money in a savings account has a certain feeling and purpose— to save money.
Every bank has different names for checking accounts, but generally, they are all basically limited to a few specific types.
Your rights and responsibilities as an account holder are set out in the agreements you sign when you open an account.
Some of the most important responsibilities a bank has to you, the customer, are set out in the agreements you sign and/or agree to when you open an account.
The more information you have about why and how banks do what they do, the better consumer you can be.

Understanding our attachment styles can help us bypass destructive strategies and find a more authentic connection.
Our deepest yearning is for someone to love who loves us back, and who we can depend on being there for us,
Life is a solitary exploration for meaning. We may get caught up in the short story, but there is a much longer story waiting to be revealed.
If there is a chronic issue in the family, it may be connected to some unspoken or unacknowledged missing piece.
We think that the brain is the center of consciousness. But what if what we think of as our mind or soul is really inside and outside our body?
When we let go of the mind’s constant chatter, judging and assessing, we can lose the sense of limitation and become one with all around us.
Difference feels suspect to us, but we are not so separate as we think. We are one in a field of energy called Love.
Life is neither created nor destroyed, but merely transformed. The challenge is to figure out how to make sense of the loss so that it becomes a source of light.
At this time of the year, when we take the opportunity to review life with eyes of gratitude, let us not forget all those who have helped us grow and heal.
Reiki is a humble practice; the healing energy comes through us, not from us. When we focus the energy, it will move to the source of imbalance in body, mind or spirit.
The systemic order of love, “Everyone belongs and has a rightful place,” points us to the need to accept one another, and to recognize that each group has had a history of Trauma that continues to live in their bodies to this day.
Principles called “Orders of Love” direct us in exploring how symptoms that upset our sense of well-being make sense when viewed through this broader lens.
We don’t necessarily even need to know the details of our family’s past to take on their unfinished business.
What do our “Protectors” look like, and how can we identify and acknowledge them to make them the helpers they were intended to be?
If we see our life as having meaning and purpose, we may access courage we didn’t know we had, hold onto hope, ask for help, or take healthier risks.
Examining the depth and dynamics of societal issues through the lens of family of origin work.
When we feel secure in our right to belong, it becomes the bedrock upon which we can build a life.
Maybe what we know from our five senses isn’t the whole story—maybe we should slow down and listen to what our heart tells us.
When we go through serious challenges, we often become hyper-attentive to everything around us. We are in the midst of one of the most challenging times in our lived experience.
We have been told for decades that we create our own happiness. So, why are hundreds of thousands suffering from an anxiety that zaps our self-esteem and our energy?
My physical symptoms were the only way I could give myself permission to look more deeply at the big questions
Exactly where do we experience the most common mental health issues in our society—are they symptoms of the body and/or the brain, or are they somewhere in between?

You have to find your own reasons to overcome the negative way you see and feel about yourself.
A recent chain of events that has led me to, dare I say it... feel good about myself again.
Holiday photo ops carry a mostly nice sentiment, but can also be a reminder of our body insecurities.
Do you ever just read or hear something and immediately the connection you have with it is soul-affirming?
When do children stop trying being themselves and start striving to be like others, judging those who are not alike?
I still feel the need to have an extra change of clothes, or avoid being sweaty for extended periods of time around other people.
You never know who deals with the same things you do. Anything you’re going through can be worked through.
Every woman looks differently, grows babies differently, and experiences pregnancy and childbirth differently.
My mental and physical health remains in a constant state of limbo; some days are better than others.
We may not get back to where we once were, but we can fight to get closer to where we want to be.
How do you feel? No but really. How. Do. You. Feel?
What rings true for so many parents is the desire to protect our children from the things we’ve struggled with ourselves.
It’s amazing how much of a difference facial hair can make in terms of the way we view someone’s physical appearance.
Senior citizens are deserving of more respect, dignity, and reverence than they are given.
Getting fit is hard. Even tougher is getting back into shape after falling out of a routine.
Would our perceptions of ourselves change if the things we were watching told us differently?
You can choose to see the beauty and strength in yourself and others, because we all have it.
After a few shirts start to stretch, you realize you may have put on a little more than “a few pounds.”
I’ve spent much of my life being uncomfortable with my body, but what I have learned isn’t for nothing.
Remember when movement consisted of having fun? This is what movement should be like, always.
When did we become so hard on ourselves and making excuses about the way we look?
The vocabulary we use to describe a person or group of people is important.
The things that negative body image steals from us on a daily basis is something we shouldn’t have to accept.
I wanted to feel what the fresh air was like, and it was truly liberating.
We can’t help how much space we take up, but we can all be considerate of each other’s space.
On the day when we celebrate freedom, it can be a struggle not to be trapped by the urge to overeat.
Sharing a meal is just as much an opportunity to talk, as it is to listen.
For a long time I thought being thin was the key to my happiness. It wasn’t.
There have been a lot of struggles in my life, especially when it has come to loving myself.
It’s hard to look in the mirror and like what I see, but I am beautiful because I decided that I am.

When working out starts feeling monotonous, these 3 things help me to find new vigor for working out.
The exercises are your choice, the workout is all about timing.
A core complex exercise that engages your entire body, targeting your abs, lower back, and obliques.
A lower body hinge exercise that recruits your entire body, targeting your hamstrings and glutes.
A lower body complex exercise that recruits your upper body, targeting your shoulders, chest, and triceps.
A lower body complex exercise that recruits your core, targeting your quads, glutes, and hamstrings.
No one has ever not failed when it has come to fitness. They just decide to continue trying.
We all come up with excuses, none more present than when getting a workout in or starting an exercising program.
Giving 100% effort is great, except when it applies through working through fitness injuries.
People look forward to summer, with great weather, parties, and plenty of opportunities to show some skin.
You've built your bargain home gym, now here are some workout plans for both beginner and advanced exercisers.
The best trainer for you may not always be the one who has the most Instagram followers.
The end of the year often brings thoughts of “goal crushing.” Here are 3 basic goals to strive for.
Time is a common excuse for not working out. Here's how to save time by bringing the gym to us.

I ended 2020 with a mix of emotions and lessons to learn… As for 2021, I've planned to make a more realistic set of goals and trying new techniques.
A lot of progress was made, and although I wasn't exactly where I wanted to be, I felt content with my progress.
I needed a plan if I was going to succeed, but what did I really want to accomplish? A month-by-month approach to New Year’s Resolutions.
If you are suffering from poor posture and back pain, it may be worth looking into a posture brace.
Once in a while, I feel the urge for symmetry. I know that if I give in, the urge could strengthen.
I thought the demographics of non-makeup users would be predictable. I was completely wrong.
Although they share some commonalities, people’s experiences and reasons behind using makeup differ.
Taking a two steps towards weight-loss progress, followed by a step or two backwards.
Scheduled eating practices self-control, and more importantly, can help to regain confidence.
Just as the triggers and symptoms of anxiety are widely varied, so are the forms of treatment.
For many, the triggers of anxiety are elements of everyday life and vary depending on the person.
People experience anxiety symptoms not only in a variety of strengths but also in varying frequency.
After hearing so many people talk about their own anxiety, I began to grow curious to see what I could learn.
Many people mistake that racial differences are the problem, but race is merely a symptom.
Our society and history have been wounded for quite some time now. What can we do to help?
Can we as a society diminish, if not end generations of abuse and harassment? Arguably, we can.
In many cases of sexual oppression, there is the phenomenon of victims downplaying the severity of the event.
Sexual oppression can happen to anybody, regardless of gender identity or orientation.
Identifying what sexual oppression looks and sounds like, and defining “the line."
To better our collective social and mental health, we need to understand each other on an emotional and psychological level.
There are many natural ways to cope with the symptoms of depression.
We all experience depression on some level, though we may experience it differently and deal with it in a variety of manners.
A year ago, I began a men’s group, a place for guys to feel safe talking about our lives without covering up with machismo.
Thirteen minutes away from the end of a workout, I felt a painful twitch.

I sometimes wonder if there really is such a thing as fully “getting better” from a mental health diagnosis. Is it a mirage, a lie we tell ourselves?
Sometimes, strength is not just the ability to fight alone, but the ability to recognize our limitations and not let our pride get in the way of asking for help.
Is it the social stigma itself that is holding me back, or an adapted and more personalized variation of that stigma?
Breaking habits is hard. Creating them can be just as difficult. But you can't be superparent if you're not taking care of YOU.
The paths to where we want to go may change, but we can start by doing one realistic thing while waiting for another.
Trusting and connecting with others can provide us with different frames of reference to put things into perspective.
To me, mental-financial health is ultimately about the way we approach and interact with money.

“If you don’t know what you do want, maybe start by figuring out what you don’t want.”
I love sharing music with people. It's my favorite thing to do.
Imagine going into each new day being open to embracing whatever comes our way.
The hard parts of life can be scary, but knowing we have people there for us can be the biggest help of all.
We can all use Valentine’s month as an opportunity to reflect upon the universal feeling that is love.
Having a family and friends to celebrate with— no matter how many or few— is a huge blessing,
We’ve all got that “one song” where the second we hear the introduction we can’t help but move.
Welcome to the new “Songs That…” series, featuring go-to songs from you, The WIMH Community.
After 23 playlists, and ton of self-discovery, it’s time to highlight your contributions, your opinions, and your voices.
It's amazing what a little adjustment can do to help us accomplish our goals.
I like to revamp my collection as often as possible and am always interested in what other people are listening to.
There is an incredible sense of power that comes with being an artist; you can literally create whatever you want

Exercise, as it once was, wasn’t going to work the same way for me today. I had to change the framework in my mind of what it looks like to exercise.
Make your New Year’s resolutions stick by making them realistic, fun, and tailored to what makes you tick.
A notification on your phone buzzes. It’s time for that appointment and you’re already late…
I’m done beating myself up over missing yet another gym day. When I’m ready to go back, the gym will be there.
Through these 3 tactics, we could make decisions that benefit more of us, rather than working against those on a “different team.”
How often do you find yourself frustrated every time you see, hear, or read the news? Just think about how that impacts our mental health.
A simple but flavorful sweet potato pasta dish with just the right balance of carbs and protein.

No matter what choice you make or what road you decide to travel, you are not alone in your journey.
HIV and AIDS are not the same, and people with HIV do not always develop AIDS.
People take birth control for a lot of reasons– not just to prevent pregnancy.
Regardless of your gender identity, these visits are an important part of taking care of your health.
What they are, how they’re passed, and how to talk about getting tested or having an STI.
In today’s world, everything is either hyper-sexualized or kept hidden. It’s time to change that.

Remove “good” and “bad” from your vocabulary— one unhealthy meal will not destroy your efforts.
There’s nothing wrong with striving to be your best self. Here’s what to do when you’ve “failed” again.
How to find time to stay healthy while dealing with the daily demands life throws at you.
4 daily reminders to help you implement self-love and body acceptance long BEFORE you obtain your dream body.
No matter the individual differences between humans, we all were created to eat REAL food.
Now that you’re free from the scale, what to focus on, how different you’ll feel, etc.
The science behind why stressing over the number on the scale is bad for our bodies and minds.
Having trouble losing those "extra" 5 pounds? The relationship you have with your scale may be the problem.

The person who signs up for a marathon and the person who finishes the marathon is not the same person!
Emotions are not bad as long as we choose to respond appropriately, despite some negative feelings.
No matter how good we may be at something, there is always room to learn something new.
Every action that you and I take, will always have an effect on the others and the world around us.
When we put what’s going on in the infinite depths of our mind onto paper, the possibilities are endless.
No matter who you are, you can greatly benefit from mentorship if you are open and willing to learn.
It’s what we do with our time, not how much we have of it, that really matters.
Feedback is one of the greatest tools available to us for personal growth.
It's in our nature to lead an active lifestyle.
Achieving success in most things we do in our lives is often a direct result from our strong foundations.
Having a vision for our lives can help give us something to move toward.
Our discipline and willpower is like a muscle, the more we flex it, the stronger it gets.
If the idea of developing a meditation practice has piqued your interest, start here.
When we let go of what we are, we begin accessing what we might be capable of doing and becoming.
I believe that the biggest contributions we can make to the world come from being ourselves.
If I were to ask you what you tend to focus on in life, what would your answer be?
We will never be able to stop our thoughts, but through practice, we can train ourselves to be more present.
What if every time you faced adversity, you got excited, happy, and grateful instead of bitter?

Diving into a new healthy nutritional lifestyle can be scary, but there are simple steps that you can take to make changes.
I’m always thrilled to help others, but it’s even sweeter when it’s family.
There’s a common misnomer about what it takes to be your own boss. Truth is, you actually have to work.
How becoming a health and wellness coach has taught me to say, “Yes.”
Have you ever thought to yourself, “Wow, I didn’t accomplish anything today”?
Growing up, we're molded to attend school, go to college, and get a job, but maybe following "the plan" isn't what will make you happy.
New Year’s Resolutions; how often do we actually keep them? Whatever your goals are for 2017, here's a suggestion.
The holiday season can be one of the happiest times of my life. Three years ago, it was also one of the darkest.

You don't have to wait until someone dies to need to grieve.
Labels tend to do more damage than good. Being mindful of this can help us show more compassion and understanding.
Hindsight is usually 20/20. In my experience, clarity comes after you accept responsibility for your future, regardless of your past.

Dispelling a few common diet fads to help you choose your approach to food.
Here are some healthful tips that may help you navigate your holiday season!
Craving salty, crunchy snacks but don’t want chips? A quick grab-and-go breakfast? Seed Bark is the answer!